This skin condition typically affects people on their cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. As well as spots and rashes on the affected area the main feature of rosacea is a distinct bright rosy-red patch. Because it appears on the face, people with rosacea can find it disconcerting, especially as it may grow more pronounced with heat, exercise or strong emotions.
Rosacea is considered to be an autoimmune problem in which the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the face have been attacked by the body’s own immune system so that they lose control and the skin is flooded with blood just under the surface.
The most common conventional treatment is the use of antibiotics to suppress the acne spots that often appear in the patches of rosacea and to fade the redness. Long-term use of antibiotics is not a good idea because it can upset the balance of good bacteria in the gut, leading to an over growth of candida. Also, you may build up a resistance to antibiotics so that they won’t work when you really need them.
My experience led me to treat rosacea differently. Basically, the capillaries dilate under the skin and the stagnant blood looks red. The cheeks and nose have a greater density of blood vessels than any other part of the body. The blood vessels swell, mainly due to the activity of the hypothalamus, the control centre in the brain that governs most autonomous nervous functions, such as shivering, sweating hunger or thirst, feeling sexual desire, producing urine and so on.
Since heat and emotion make rosacea worse, there must be some connection with the brain, particularly the hypothalamus. The autoimmune aspect of rosacea is controlled by the pituitary gland, next to the hypothalamus. That’s why I use my neck massage -which helps blood flow to these parts of the brain –to treat rosacea I combine this with diet, exercise and breathing to help control the factors that lead to flushing.
Here are my suggestions:
- Drink plenty of still, Pure water between meals: at least eight large glasses daily.
- Eat lots of cooling fruit and vegetables, such as melons, summer berries, cucumbers, spring onions and courgettes.
- Avoid hot spices as well as ginger and garlic, which will make the face flush.
- Avoid all yeast-containing products (bread, nan, pizza, pitta, Marmite, canned soups, etc). Eat soda bread, and occasionally rye bread if you wish (the German and Russian rye breads contain very little yeast).
- Drink very little alcohol, which dilates blood vessels. Choose spirits rather than beer and wine.
- Avoid coffee and excess salt, which both have a direct effect on capillaries.
- Massage deeply with the fingertips into the muscles, that run up each side of the neck Start where the neck muscle join the shoulders and continue up and all around the hairline at the back of the head, where the muscles join the skull. Do this for ten minutes every other day’; it may be painful at first, but persevere. My Lifestyle DVD (Integrated Health Group,) gives more details.
- Follow a gentle yoga regime, to balance body and mind. Also take brisk walks to get bodily functions moving and help cleanse the body as well as improving the circulation.
- Breathing correctly will calm the body- Practise this cleansing breath daily; stand upright but relaxed, arms by your sides. Close your mouth and look straight ahead. Breathe in fully through the nose, then breathe out quickly, pulling the stomach in at the same time, as though pushing the air out with the stomach muscles. Pause for a second or so, then repeat up to 25 times.
- Soak three kadu twigs in a cup of hot water at night. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach for three months, to help keep Yeast overgrowth under control.
- Take aloe vera: one twice daily for three months, to help the condition of the skin.
- Apply propolis cream on affected areas whenever needed.
Neck Massage
Relaxation Breathing