It’s difficult to be certain about your spots without actually seeing them. However, I will try to explain what I think the problem is, and give you some suggestions that will hopefully improve the functioning of the skin so that your spots go away.
The skin is our largest organ and performs several vital roles. It protects our insides from germs, ultraviolet light, pollutants, and chemical agents, and transmits sensations such as heat, cold, touch and pressure. The skin also has an important function in excreting toxic molecules from the body. Although we think the kidneys are in charge of this, their filtration system allows only molecules up to a certain size to pass through. Larger toxic molecules and others that are not naturally excreted by the kidneys are compelled by the body to find their way out through the skin. That’s why if a patient’s kidney fail, the doctor tells them to reduce their protein intake. Otherwise the skin excretes a metabolic by-product of protein called urea which makes the skin feel itchy and smell slightly of urine.
Two main types of toxins are excreted through the skin. One is water-soluble and easily excreted through the sweat glands. The other is fat-soluble and excreted through the sebaceous glands (the ones drat oil the skin and hair). Because your spots are white and thick like fat, I suspect they are the result of fat-soluble toxins that are trapped in the sebaceous glands, possibly due to blocked pores.
First you should keep your skin free of creams and oils that may block the pores and prevent these toxins being eliminated. Second, you need to ensure that your digestive system is working well – constipation can prevent toxins being eliminated properly – and that you are not suffering from an overgrowth of the yeast like organism candida albicans, which may attack the gut wall and leave holes. lf drat happens, larger toxic molecules can penetrate the gut wall and enter the bloodstream, from which they are expelled through the skin.
I recommend the following:
- Follow this routine at bedtime to help remove toxins. Mix a tablespoonful of besan (chickpea flour) and half a teaspoonful of sandalwood powder (both from Indian grocery shops) with warm skimmed milk or warm water to make a slightly runny paste. Apply this to the spots and scrub gently with a flannel wrung out in warm water. Leave for five minutes. Splash off with lukewarm water. Scrub the face again. Repeat the routine. Apply Saffron Youth Dew and massage the skin gently with your fingertips until it feels thoroughly moisturized and the cream disappears. If necessary apply more cream.
- Try to find an aloe vera plant so that you can use the fresh pulp. Slice half an inch off a leaf. Squeeze the pulp into a saucer and mash it until it is smooth. Apply this to the spots and massage gently with your fingertips. Leave for a couple of hours, or preferably overnight.
- Kadu : soak three twigs in a cup of hot water at night, strain and drink in the morning this will keep the candida growth under control.
- Aloe vera : take one twice daily for three months to keep the skin healthy.
- Make sure that you are not constipated by drinking at least eight large glasses of still water daily between meals, and eating prunes, figs and papaya at breakfast.
- Avoid yeast and fungal products (pizza, Marmite, bread, ready-made gravy, blue cheeses, mushrooms, Quorn, vinegar, beer, wine), which encourage candida.
- Avoid sugar and sweet foods, which feed the candida.
- Avoid citrus fruits, because they make the skin sensitive.
- Avoid curries, nuts and all canned and processed foods containing preservatives, because they produce excess stomach acid, which also makes the skin sensitive.