My late friend, the film producer, Ismail Merchant (Howards’ End, Room with a View), recommended me to an Arab gentleman, from a very respected family, because of his constant cluster headaches. This is a form of headache which happens once a year, especially in the spring to early summer period – more commonly in men. The headaches will be there daily, for a month or so, continuously. For the entire period the sufferer is debilitated and nothing except strong migraine pills and oxygen helps.
Anyway, the gentleman sent his plane to collect me from Stansted Airport in London, UK and I arrived at the destination late at night. Next morning, I saw him at 10 am and saw that he had an oxygen cylinder near him. The headaches were so severe that only oxygen helped him. No painkillers worked. I felt so sorry to see him with such pain. The very first question I asked was about any accident he had had. He was quite surprised, because he had had an accident when his four-wheel drive rolled over several times in the Arabian sand dunes, some four years prior to my visit. He immediately recalled that he had started getting headaches shortly after the accident. He hadn’t linked the two and no doctor had asked him that question. He had seen specialists from various places, but none knew the cause of his headaches.
I touched his neck and it was extremely sore on the right side and so was the TMJ in front of the right jaw. He clenched his jaw whenever he had the pain from his headaches. He had not used the oxygen that morning and had a certain degree of pain. This pain went shortly after my treatment. That afternoon, he followed his passion and took his boat out to sea; dived for half an hour and fed the sharks.
I did visit him a few times and he had one of his therapists repeat the treatments daily. This treatment stopped the headaches. I had advised him to have regular treatments throughout the year. He had a spa area at his beach house and the therapists were from the Far East. This helped him to have less frequent headaches with less intensity. He did not need oxygen and life was comfortable. Cluster headaches are generally difficult to cure but in this case he went into remission.